multi-media artist

About Me

  • call me Sardonic or Ithel (i prefer Sardonic)

  • mid 20s, studying for a BFA in digital arts

  • taken ♡ (7/29/2024)

  • androgynous gendervoid thing (they/them/their + neutral terms)

  • mentally and physically disabled/ill, PT wheelchair user

  • i make art about my OCs, complex trauma and mental illness, disability, and sometimes i do fanart (it's not very consistent)

  • other interests include various horror media, photography, writing, storytelling, alt. fashion, music, 3D art, video-games, etc.

  • author of the upcoming post-apocalyptic horror web serial Red Sodom (which you can read the old drafts of here and support on Patreon)

  • only semi-active at the time of writing due to life stuff (mainly college) and my various dynamic health problems

Disability Stuff

i have this page because disability is something that heavily influences my life and also heavily influences my art and writing. i have a larger number of health problems than what is discussed here but the ones i talk about here are the ones that are more impactful or generalized.

i was born with idiopathic hypotonia, which affects my muscles, joints, tolerance for any physical activity, posture, speech, coordination, and motor skills. a large chunk of some of my other health problems (dysphagia, scoliosis, gHSD, etc.) are likely rooted in the fact that my muscles don't work correctly. i have a hard time sitting or standing for extended periods because my body doesn't adequately support itself. since it affects my grip and coordination my hands/fingers aren't always "cooperative" and i have to use big canvases if i want to be able to give my art any detail, which isn't always possible, especially as an art student. i don't leave the house very much because basically everything other than lying in bed is overly exhausting to me.

the other "main" stuff that's more clear-cut:

  • cPTSD+chronic dissociation, abuse survivor

  • autism (verbal+LSN) and severe ADHD-C

  • postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)

i'm a part-time/ambulatory wheelchair and cane-user due to a mixture of how hypotonia and POTS impact me. i also project (or plan on projecting) a lot of this stuff onto my OCs, so yeah.

Commission Info


*until the conclusion of summer break (~Aug. 10th, 2024)


  • starting at 25 USD

  • fully-colored, no background or a simple background

  • additonal character = 15 USD


  • starting at 35 USD

  • fully-colored, no background or a simple background

  • additonal character = 20 USD


  • starting at 45 USD

  • fully-colored, no background or a simple background

  • additonal character = 30 USD



by submitting a commission request you certify that you have read and agree to the following terms:

  • payment through Ko-Fi or Paypal invoice only. those using Paypal invoice are required to fill out a Google Form that is linked on the next page.

  • payment is required up-front before work is started.

  • image references are mandatory - this doesn't have to be specifically of what you want (it can be a picrew, pose references, scenery, outfits, etc.) but i need enough material to be able to get an idea of what i'm doing.

  • specific deadlines aren't set unless otherwise explicitly and clearly discussed with a client, but i'm not keen on having them.

  • related to above, i have multiple mental & physical health problems that tend to make my functioning unpredictably variable. it could take up to 3 months for me to complete a project. if this is not something that you have the patience for then i would recommend against commissioning me.

  • progress images/WIPs will be provided as i complete different stages of a piece (e.g. sketch, lines, flat color, changes, etc.)

  • request for changes can be made during the sketching stage as i update on progess but the expectation is that the client provides me with a solid idea of what it is they want in the first place prior to commissioning me.

  • if i don't believe i can complete something within a reasonable timeframe or if i need to cancel a commission for another reason, i will try my best to provide a refund upon request, unless otherwise explicitly discussed with the client. if a commission was partway finished before this point (e.g. completed line stage) then i will provide a partial refund.

  • completed commissions are shared on my social media pages and elsewhere as i see fit, unless otherwise explicitly and clearly discussed with the client beforehand.

  • commissioned work is for personal use only unless otherwise explictly and clearly discussed with the client. usage in things like NFTs is disallowed.

  • rudeness/harassment from a client will result in cancellation of a commission with or without a refund as i see fit.

WHAT I LIKE DRAWING: OCs so long as they are human or primarily human-like, established characters (especially if they're from fandoms that i'm in) in media that isn't live-action, furries if they are more simplistic in design (that's vague but it's hard to word in any way that's specific), gore can be fun but it depends on the exact subject matterWHAT I WON'T DRAW: nudity or anything sexual, more complex furries, mecha or robots, as well as anything involving abuse, incest, or sexual violence (i reserve the right to refuse any request even if it doesn't meet these criteria), dramatic perspectives


contact for questions/other info: [email protected]